Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

Basic knowledge of Digital Camera - PART 2

. Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

Continuation of the first article I (Basic Knowledge Digital Camera). This time I try to explain more about digital cameras. For this article, I will compare the digital camera with analog camera. Topics to be discussed as follows:
- The camera's sensor size digital camera, compared with analog
- Use of ISO on digital cameras
- Focal length of the DSLR SLR

The size of the camera's digital sensor, compared with analog camera
As I utarakan in the previous article. Prosumer digital cameras and consumer class have CCD sensor / CMOS is very small. As a comparison, please see the picture below.

The camera uses a 1/1.8 sensor is usually a camera consumer class, for example: Olympus C-5060. Camera that uses 2 / 3 sensor, for example: Sony F717, Nikon 5700. Class DSLR sensor using a larger, such as the Canon D60 using 4 / 3 format. To date, the only one that has a digital camera sensor is 35mm, the camera is the Canon 1Ds. If you want to know your camera's sensor size, please check your camera's data sheet, can be obtained from www.dpreview.com or www.imaging-resource.com

Total pixels of sensor 2 / 3 to 4 / 3 can be the same, for example: 4 Megapixel (4 million pixels). That distinguishes them is the size of pixels. The more knowledgeable of the sensor also has a greater pixelnya. Pixels will be a greater benefit on the use of high ISO.

Use of ISO on digital cameras
By using a larger sensor then automatically pixelnya also greater. A larger pixels enable us to use a higher ISO. Therefore do not surprised if some DSLR have ISO settings up to 3200. Where is the camera's prosumer class, such as G3, ISO 400 will produce images with a very high noise. This is all due to the sensor size, the bigger the better. But of course the sensor is one of the most expensive component in the digital camera.

Because the digital camera does not have the ISO setting the film made by electronic devices in your camera. When you change the ISO value instance of ISO100 to ISO200, sensitivity sensor in the camera you raised. And in the electronic world, nothing is perfect. There is always something to trade. While ISO improved sensor camera is set so that you more sensitive to light. For example when using ISO100 you must use SHUTTER speed 1 / 15, when you increase the ISO rating automatically become the ISO200 SHUTTER speed to 1 / 30 (1 stop difference). The down side is, if the sensors will be so easy to catch the sensor noise. The speck concrete noise-The speck in your picture, noise will be more clearly visible when you try to take a shot on the situation of minimal light.

Another example, if you like listening to a song with the Hi Fi device, if a small volume of the voice that will appear clear. But when you try to increase volume, then in a voice that appears when there will be broken. Roughly like this is that noise.

Focal length of the DSLR SLR
Under this explanation is only useful for the SLR and DSLR, prosumer-class cameras do not need a headache because of focal length lens on the camera is connected to die. When you buy tele 100mm lens and SLR cameras installed to you, then it is a 100mm focal length lens you. But when you install the same lens on the Canon 300D DSLR example, the focal length that is not 100mm, but 160mm (100mm x 1.6). Actual focal length 100mm lens you will be, but the angle of view will make the results of your photos as if produced from 160mm lens. These relate to the size of your camera's sensor is smaller than 35mm. This only applies to camera sensors that have a size smaller than 35mm, Canon 1Ds does not have it over.

To have more details, please see the photo below. Full frame is the result of a 100mm lens mounted on the Canon 1Ds or SLR camera. Small box inside, is the result you get when we install the same lens on the Canon 10D or 300D.

Glance we think that we get lucky, because by buying the 100mm can produce 160mm. Indeed correct, cuman all this is only the illusion fokal long as you remain 100mm lens, only the resulting picture seems to come from 160mm lens. DOF (Depth of Field), which is also produced in accordance with the calculation 100mm lens, not 160mm. And one more thing which annoyed some people make when you love the wide lens (Wide angle lens), then you have to buy a wider lens to get the effect you want. Imagine a shot must use the lens in the 24mm SLR camera, but when you install your 24mm DSLR to the effective focal length to be 38.4 (24mm x 1.6). So to get a 24mm, you have to buy the lens wider. Of course, the width of the more expensive lenses, so for lovers of wide angle shot will disappointed with this limitation. Unless you use a Canon 1Ds of sensors that have a 35mm, so what you see is what you get.

It seems from the beginning that we read only the negative side cuman from a digital camera. In fact, if would like to see the positive side, the negative side it can be overlooked. Imagine you do not need to buy film again, need not tired-tired scan film / slide, does not need to issue ISO dizziness and more.

Finally, as I always said. Digital is the future, sooner or later the film will be phase out. Perhaps the film can still survive, but only as a digital assistants.

Source: www.fotografer.net/isi/artikel/lihat.php?id=139

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